Exploring AI: Making the Invisible Visible opened in 2021 and introduces the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) and its ubiquity in our everyday life. This bilingual exhibit features interactive activities, models, and a gallery display to help visitors understand the role of AI in our world and the impact of our choices on the future of AI.

What is AI? To answer this question, we grouped the functions of each AI technology into six main categories: identify, analyze language, plan, create, and predict.

We also developed an interactive activity, Train an AI program, to explain how unintended biases in training data sets can create biased algorithms.

The gallery also features Data Choreographics, a custom AI-powered artwork created by Boston-based MASARY Studios. We worked closely with the MASARY team to explain the science behind the piece. The artwork reacts to visitor interaction, outputting unique imagery based on extensive training data from the input footage of various dance groups.
(More info available on the MASARY Studios project site)